Kingsland Gate Bellway Noticeboard

Spoil removal and landscaping

A key part of the final works at Kingsland Gate was the removal of the large mound of spoil that was fenced off on the area of open space to the west of the site. We are pleased to report that all the spoil has now been removed and the area is being prepared for seeding and landscaping - this includes the removal of any debris that may be present from the building works and any large stones etc. Once Trinity have removed these, the landscapers can come in and prepare topsoil for seeding. Fencing will have to remain up once the seeding has taken place to allow this to "take" appropriately and prevent any trampling by footfall.

Work on the play area is also underway and the plan below shows the play equipment that is being installed.

LEAP plan

By way of an update to the timetable for anticipated handover of the open space and play area, we are targeting handover of this space late September 2024. We will try and remove the heras fencing prior to then once the seeding has taken place and replace with a less intrusive and lower temporary fencing/cordon to keep people off the open space whilst the grass grows.

 Below is the wider landscaping plan for the whole of Kingsland Gate.

Illustrative landscaping masterplan

Illustrative landscaping plan (View larger PDF)