Kingsland Gate Bellway Noticeboard

Drainage and highways

The final remedial drainage and snagging works are due to be completed this month (stage 4) - we apologise that there has been an overrun to these works and Trinity are working as quickly as possible to get this finished.

During this period, sections of road will be excavated to enable work to be carried out. The plan below shows the sequence of works and the roads affected. Please review to see how this may impact you.

drainage works plan and programme updated april 2024

All areas of excavation will be safety fenced and diversions will be in place where through access cannot be maintained. We ask that you are mindful of these and your safety when walking or driving near the works being carried out.

Whilst Trinity Groundworks (who are undertaking the work) will endeavour to ensure access to driveways is maintained during these works, in some circumstances this unfortunately may not be possible. Where this may affect you, Trinity will contact you direct (by letter through your door) and advise of alternative parking arrangements and the period of time you will be affected for. Every effort will be made to keep any disruption to a minimum.


Drainage Sign Off and Highways works

We are pleased to report that the 1st stages of the remedial drainage works have now been signed off by the water company with the remaining stages due to follow shortly. What follows is now a 2-3 month period where any remedial highways works, such as replacement of damaged kerb stones etc, will take place and this will then lead to the final road surfacing being laid. These works will take place in stages and we hope to be able to share with you a more detailed timetable and phasing plan with you soon.