Kingsland Gate Bellway Noticeboard

Kingsland Gate Bellway Noticeboard

Welcome to the Kingsland Gate Bellway Noticeboard – here you will be able to find the latest information on the final remedial and snagging works for drainage, highways and landscaping due to be completed by the end of July 2024.

Firstly, we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding whilst these final works are being carried out over the next few months. We have appointed Trinity Groundworks as principal contractor to oversee these works, and Naomi from Consulo to ensure that you have a dedicated point of contact should you have any questions whilst the work is ongoing. Contact details for Naomi can be found on out “Get in touch” page and many of you will have already had email or letters from her. In case of emergency only the mobile number for the Trinity Site Foreman can also be found on our “Get in touch” page – although we urge you to use Naomi as the main point of contact for all non-emergency queries, complaints and feedback.

Working Hours

During this period the site working hours are as follows:

Mon-Fri: 8am to 5pm

Sat: 8am to 1pm

Sundays & Public Holidays: no working

It should be noted that whilst no construction or unloading will happen outside of these hours people may be present earlier to enable them to start work promptly. In this instance vehicles will be switched off and not left idling and staff/visitors can make use of the staff facilities at the site compound.

We hope that you find this website useful and of interest and please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions.